Posted by admin | Aug 25, 2022 | Courthouse News | 0 |
CRASE: Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events – FREE
DPS is putting on a 2-hour course regarding civilian response to an active shooter, September 10th, 10a-12p, at Jones Chapel Methodist Church located at 360 Church Street in Fairfield. Depending on how many registered attendees we receive, we may need to move it to a larger place.
I recommend our school staffs, our church congregations, and citizens attend this free information being provided if possible. Anyone interested in attending needs to pre-register by going online to
Our area continues to do everything we can as far as providing helpful information to our citizens and training within our law enforcement in order to serve and protect to the best of our ability. Hope to see you there.
The FCSO would like to send out a big THANK YOU to Teague Brookshire Brothers for their donation of water and antibacterial wipes and antibacterial sanitizer spray. They donated more than enough for each Deputy to have available in their patrol vehicles.
Our Deputies never know what they might come in contact with or be subjected to while performing their daily duties as they serve and protect, and items such as these are a necessity to law enforcement personnel trying to remain safe and in good health the best we can. So as we wipe on and wipe off – spray here and spray there – we send a great appreciation to Brookshires for helping keep us safe.
Freestone County Times, Inc. 401 East Commerce, Fairfield, Texas 75840 Phone: 903-389-NEWS (6397) – Fax: 903-389-2636
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